LogicBay Blog

Channel Insight: How Manufacturers Are Approaching Content Marketing

Written by Kellie Auman | May 9, 2019 4:00:00 AM

For years, industrial manufacturers were resistant to investing in content marketing and other forms of online outreach. The common thought was that manufacturers did not need to engage in content marketing since, in most cases, they sell direct B2B, through their own networks of contacts.

However (like you've heard many times before), buyer behavior is changing rapidly, and even buyers of industrial products are increasingly relying on the Internet to investigate and research brands. We had been wondering if the manufacturing sector would catch on.

A recent report from the Content Marketing Institute looked directly into the question of how industrial concerns were handling online marketing – and it appears that manufacturers are finally embracing it.

To Reap the Benefits, Put in the Time & Effort.

Not only are manufacturers increasingly investing more into content marketing (79%) but nearly two-thirds (64%) report greater success with it as well. Content marketing is one of those areas where you get more out of it, the more time and effort you put in. Companies who try to “test the waters” with content marketing often come away disappointed, because they didn’t commit enough resources to see a good return.

Another trend to note: There is a big focus on social media, which is a necessary component of a content campaign. 81% of respondents are investing in social media publishing tools and analytics.

To be Successful, You Must Strategize & Target.

The report also pointed to a few areas where manufacturers are struggling. Perhaps the biggest is in their messaging. Over half (51%) said their marketing materials frequently prioritize their own marketing message, over concerns for the audience’s interests and needs. This is understandable, given the emphasis manufacturers place on facts and figures in their marketing, but it’s still something to be wary of. Good content marketing tends to minimize overt sales-oriented copy in favor of more generally interesting content.

Another major challenge is that, currently, only about one in five (21%) of manufacturers have any sort of documented content marketing strategy. Content marketing needs a plan behind it to be successful! Fortunately, it seems that the respondents recognize this, and are taking steps to correct – such as roughly 66% adopting the use of buyer personas to help target their marketing.

A Technology Stack Enables More Effective Content Marketing!

How difficult is it for you to develop content, target it, publish it, and track the results? If you are still tying tools and processes together ad-hoc, LogicBay offers a better solution! Learn more about how our time-tested methodology can streamline content marketing throughout your ecosystem through a free-trial demo!